Above: Southborough Day Camp campers will be split along the traditional age groups, but all be based out of the Woodward School campus this summer.(images edited/cropped from Rec Facebook posts)
Southborough Recreation has announced more details for this year’s summer camp. I’m sure there are a lot of parents who will feel like shouting “Hallelujah!”
Last year, I shared Rec’s program announcement under a similar headline. At that time, the big news was the full day options for a program that has always been half day.
Of course, the pandemic shut down plans last year. So this year’s big news is that camp is happening at all.
There are camp and CIT options that cover ages 3-15. (For older teens, don’t forget that Rec is still hiring counselors.) Note about the younger ones: Campers must be potty trained.
Rec’s flyer describes:
Located at the Woodward School, our program provides unique access to quality indoor and outdoor facilities to fit the needs of all children. . .
Each day will boast a variety of traditional camp activities for your child that include but are not limited to sports, arts & crafts, special events, on-site entertainers, and more!
The website also shares:
Our Summer Camp staff consist of High School and College aged individuals who are CPR/First Aid certified and trained extensively by the Southborough Recreation staff to ensure your child has the most rewarding summer possible. Our supervisory staff consists of licensed teachers with many years of childcare experience.
The bad news is that registration is limited to 45 campers per week – including non-residents. CITs (Counselors in Training) are even more limited. The restrictions are due to staffing requirements and anticipated COVID precautions.* That means you shouldn’t want to wait too long to sign your kids up. Registration opens online this Monday, February 22nd.
There is no early bird signup this year, but the cost is lower than Rec had been charging (which was already lower than other regional camp options I’ve seen).**
Here are this year’s details. (There are some differences both from prior years of Rec camp and from last year’s announcement.)
Summer Day Camps will be run from June 28th to August 20th, Mondays – Fridays. (In case you were wondering, the last day of school is currently scheduled as Friday, June 18th.)
Due to Covid concerns, camp this year won’t include field trips or visits to the St. Mark’s pool.
For the first time, Camps will all be run at the Woodward School campus rather than two schools. The camp names are now based on the age groups, which will be split up (though they may come together for some activities).
Last year, Program Director Alexandra Rooney explained that Woodward’s facilities are large enough to run camps separately. (The school has both a play area in the back and recreation fields in the front. That will allow counselors to “cycle” the campers through the different areas at different times.)
Ages 3-6 are asked to sign up for “Camp Fayville” and ages 7-11 should sign up for “Camp Cordaville”. CIT signup is based on which of those camps they want to attend. As usual, there will be weekly themes for camps. Those details are still TBD.
The full day option is 8:30 am – 4:00 pm and available to all of the age groups (3-6, 7-11, and CITs). The cost for campers is $150 per week (or $120 for the shortened week of July 4th). CITs can participate for $125/week (or $100 the week of the 4th).
The half day option (8:30 am – 12:30 pm) is only available to 7-11 year olds and CITs. (There is no ½ day option for 7-11 year olds.) The cost for campers is $125 per week (or $100 for the shortened week of July 4th). CITs can participate for $95/week (or $76 the week of the 4th).
For the CIT program, the website describes:
Southborough Recreation’s Counselor in Training program is a specialized part of our summer camp program for children 12-15 years looking to acquire skills while assisting in the work of our summer camp program. CIT’s will be exposed to situations such as behavior management, safety, programming, and team building. Your CIT will work directly with the Camp Program supervisor as well as Full Time Recreation Office Staff. Spaces are limited to 12 slots a week!
Please note: Full day CIT’s are responsible for providing their own food and beverage.
*Recreation Director Tim Davis tells me that if the state guidelines for this summer are looser than expected, they can revise that restriction.
*Last year, Recreation Director Tim Davis told selectmen that based on public feedback, the department is working to lower the cost of its programs for the public. Looking back, in 2019, the early bird rate was $155 for the half day camp, and the regular rate was $165.