Go the Distance nominations due by April 16

It’s time to nominate those who have gone the distance for students with special needs. Nominations are due by April 16th. 

Each year the Northborough Southborough Special Education Parent Advisory Council dedicates a night to honoring people who have made a positive difference to special needs students in our district.

As usual, any student, family member, or guardian of a student on a 504 Plan or IEP in the Northborough or Southborough Public School District is free to submit one nomination.

nominate one individual who has made a positive impact in your child’s life during this current 2020 – 2021 academic year. This person can be a bus driver, teacher, cafeteria worker, paraprofessional, support staff member, another student, or community employee (such as a coach, dance teacher, or librarian). It should be an individual who has made a significant contribution in enhancing the life of your child. Everyone nominated will be formally recognized during the Go the Distance Award Ceremony.

But this hasn’t been a usual year. So, NSPAC is also adding a special secondary nomination option for Honorable Recognition:

Given the difficult circumstances of this academic year and the novel ways both students and teachers have had to adapt, we understand that more than one person may have had an outsized impact in making your child’s year a successful one. We are allowing families this year to add an additional Honorable Recognition. We will recognize the additional individual in an honorable recognition section of the presentation; however, they will not receive the physical award and small token of appreciation as the main nominee will receive. It is not required to make a ” Honorable Recognition” in addition to your Go the Distance nomination.

As I previously posted, the awards night will be held virtually on May 20th. To add to the experience, those making nominations are also encouraged to submit videos and/or pictures:

This year, we are collecting video sentiments for our nominees from the families that nominate them and pictures of the students that they support! The pictures can be of the student by themselves or the student and the nominee together. The videos and pictures will be included in our Go the Distance programming as part of the awards presentation.

Click here for the details. 

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