Above: Story Times are returning to the Library’s lawn next week, starting with a special Earth Day focused event.
Children’s Librarian Kim Ivers is eager to welcome tots back to in-person story times this spring. The Southborough Library story times will take place on the lawn (weather permitting) on Thursday mornings at 10:30 am.
The story times are geared to ages 2+ with caregivers. Attendees over the age of 2 must wear masks. (Blankets for sitting on the lawn are also encouraged.) Each week, stories and crafts will center around a theme.
The series kicks off a week from today. The first gathering will celebrate the day it takes place on with an Earth Day theme. (Click here to register.)
Registration will also be required for subsequent weeks through the Rec website. (Click here to register.)
Updated (4/16/21 9:08 am): The registration link for story times beginning April 29th is now working.