Residents have an opportunity to get vaccinated at the local clinic this week.
Southborough Public Health asked me to alert residents about an opportunity to sign up for reserved slots this week. While I’m doing that, I’m also sharing their latest figures on confirmed cases.
Local clinic shots for Southborough residents
Each week, the regional clinic co-run by Southborough reserves 60 slots for Southborough residents. As of earlier this morning, about 50 of those were left for this week. [As of mid-afternoon on Tuesday, there were still about 20 left. Using the provided link, it only took me a couple of minutes to sign up a family member!]
The time slots are Friday, April between 10:00 am – 11:00 am. If slots are unfilled, they will eventually be turned over to the general public. The clinic is housed at the Westborough Doubletree Hotel located at 5400 Computer Drive, off Route 9.
To register, click here.
It’s also worth again highlighting news I shared last week. Each Wednesday through Friday, organizers will post last minute appointment availability, in order to prevent wastage. You can read more about that here.
Confirmed cases
The Town updated its Covid-19 figures this morning, April 26th. 9 new cases were confirmed in the past week, 19 in the past two weeks.
The Town’s cumulative total over the course of the pandemic was increased to 490 cases with 42 cases labeled active. (For details, click on graphs below.)
The public schools didn’t release an updated Dashboard for last week, which was spring break.
Updated (4/27/21 4:02 pm): As of mid-afternoon Tuesday, there were still about 20 slots open in the clinic.
The vaccine is now open to anyone age 16 and over. I’ve already had mine, but my kids went to this clinic last week. They said they were in & out in no time and they got a second appointment in May. So easy and much, much better than driving to Gillette Stadium. Grab an appointment while they’re still available!
I am a little confused. If you already pre-registered with the State when the option to do so was a couple months ago, and they keep notifying us that we are still on their list, then how do we get in to this local site? The “color” registration site is the same. Why are their openings locally when the state hasn’t given us the chance to take those spots?
Is there another way to get the unused or leftover spots?
If anyone knows, we’d appreciate some guidance.
I just tried it – the vendor may be the same but the link I shared isn’t. It specifically pulled up the Doubletree clinic.
The state’s sign-up is only for the MassVax sites (, not for all the many other sites where vaccines are available. I was signed up for MassVax notification but kept looking and found a site at Worcester State, which is where I’ve had my vaccinations.
The MassVax is supposed to also cover several local clinics including this one – but not the reserved appointments for local residents. That requires using the dedicated link.
Local Board of Health sites are in a different category on the state’s web site: Ours is listed first in this link.
The email I received from my old signup confirmed that only seven MassVax sites were covered by the signup, not the local BoH sites, though an eighth MassVax site has been added since.
None of this has been easy…
Do we know if the clinic is doing J&J, pfizer, moderna, or just whatever is available?
They’re first batch was Moderna and I know they expected to only receive moderna or pfizer, as that’s what the state has been allocating for the mass vaccination sites.
Now that most of the more vulnerable population of MA, those 50+ years of age, have already received both of their vaccinations from state-sponsored sites, the town of Southborough finally sponsors vaccination clinics.
Where was our Health Department when we really needed vaccinations for Southborough’s considerable older at risk population? People were asking in this blog months ago when they would be able to receive their vaccinations locally.
Are the voters are going to feel motivated to support a bigger budget for the Health Department in a special town meeting in the fall?
Get real. This is farcical.
You apparently missed previous posts on the issue. The delay wasn’t by the Board of Health – it was on the state’s end. BOH did work with Public Safety to apply for a clinic as soon as the opportunity was available.
In February, they also partnered with local towns and were able to provide some opportunities for residents.
Then, the state started cancelling the local clinics and denied the Southborough application as it focused on large mass vaccination sites. So, the Board of Health partnered with neighboring towns to apply to hold a regional clinic. That application was initially denied (or held off on) as the state purportedly decided the Worcester clinic was close enough. So, officials from the towns involved reached out to state reps who apparently helped push the application through. Once greenlit, member Towns were ready to go but had to wait for the state to make doses available.