Here are highlights of what’s happening around town this week.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
- Strength Training Class for seniors (9:00 – 9:45 am) @ zoom: For details on semi-weekly class, see dedicated post.
- Preschool Story Time (10:30 – 11:00 am) @ Facebook Live: Children’s Librarian “Miss Kim” will hold a story time for ages 2-6 (siblings welcome). Each week will feature themed stories on Facebook Live with Ms. Kim! No registration necessary (Note: You don’t have to have a Facebook account to watch the Library’s videos, which are still viewable after the live event is over.)
- QiGong for seniors (11:00 am – 12:00 pm) @ zoom: For details on weekly class, see dedicated post.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
- Stretch Break Class for seniors (10:15 – 11:00 am) @ zoom: For details on semi-weekly class, see dedicated post.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
- Strength Training Class for seniors (9:00 – 9:45 am) @ zoom: For details on semi-weekly class, see dedicated post.
- Tax Collector Office hours (9:00 am – 3:00 pm) @ Town House: The public is invited to pay quarterly taxes (due May 3rd) in person.
- Outdoor Story Time (10:30 – 11:00 am) @ Southborough Library’s lawn: Join Miss Kim on the lawn (weather permitting) for stories and craft based on a weekly theme. Please bring a blanket or chair. Please pre-register. For details, see dedicated post.
- Seated Chair Yoga for seniors (1:00 – 2:00 pm) @ zoom: For details on weekly class, see dedicated post.
Friday, April 30, 2021
- Tax Collector Office hours (8:00 am – 12:00 pm) @ Town House: The public is invited to pay quarterly taxes (due May 3rd) in person.
Dull Men’s Club (10:00 – 11:00 am) @ zoom: Weekly social club for senior men hosted by Southborough Senior Center. For details, click on blurb right from the Senior Center’s newsletter. To register, email
- Creative Writing Club for Teens & Tweens (3:00 – 4:00 pm) @ zoom: Tweens and teens interested in meeting other writers and looking for ways to foster their own writing are welcome to the Southborough Library’s virtual writing club! For details, see dedicated post.
- College Applications webinar (8:00 pm) @ virtual: Iridium Tutor is offering free webinars for college bound students. College students from universities that include Brown, Northeastern, Carnegie Mellon, BU and more will offer their insight. Register to learn about the applications process and improving your application. Presentations will be followed by a Q&A period. For details, see dedicated post.
Saturday, May 1, 2021
- St. Mark’s Youth Group Plant “Unsale” Fundraiser (8:30 am – 1:00 pm) @ Transfer Station lower level: The St. Mark’s Youth Group is holding an outdoor potted plants and flowers “unsale” fundraiser where instead of assigning prices to items, they are seeking donations toward their summer mission trip to Harrisburg, PA. Also available will be mason jar soup and cookie making kits.
- NECC’s 5K Walk/Run for Autism (10:00 am – 10:00 am) @ : NECC’s annual 5K Walk/Run for Autism fundraiser will be held virtually for the second year. But this time it will be live: All participants and spectators can log into the Charge Running App to the NECC 5K. From there you can join the LIVE event complete with a running coach, music, inspirational stories, fundraising milestones and more! For details, see dedicated post.
- Read to a Dog (11:00 – 11:40 am) @ Southborough Library’s lawn: Children ages 5 and up with some reading ability will read to a certified therapy dog. The event is limited and requires pre-registration.
- College Applications webinar (4:00 pm) @ virtual: Iridium Tutor is offering free webinars for college bound students. College students from universities that include Brown, Northeastern, Carnegie Mellon, BU and more will offer their insight. Register to learn about the applications process and improving your application. Presentations will be followed by a Q&A period. For details, see dedicated post.