Above: The Town has officially declared today Arbor Day in Southborough. (images from Facebook)
Today is Arbor Day in Southborough. For the third year, Southborough has joined other Towns across the country in officially designating this Friday as the annual holiday celebrating trees.*
The Arbor Day Foundation promotes:
While most holidays celebrate something that has already happened and is worth remembering, Arbor Day represents a hope for the future.
The simple act of planting a tree represents a belief that the tree will grow to provide us with clean air and water, cooling shade, habitat for wildlife, healthier communities, and endless natural beauty — all for a better tomorrow.
Visit celebratearborday.com to learn how to get involved in this year’s Arbor Day.
So, why do Southborough Town officials promote Arbor Day? It’s part of the commitment the Town made to certify Southborough as a “Tree City USA”.
The annual public proclamation is just one component. The Town passed a bylaw and the Planning Board invited the public to help populate the town with more native trees along public ways. Over the past year, the Southborough Historical Society took part, planting several on Town property by the Historical Museum.
If you’re interested in taking part in the Town’s Tree Planting Program, here’s what you need to know.
The Program invites property owners to plant a native species tree on their own property but within 20 feet of the street/public way. To be included in the program, the tree’s location and species must be coordinated with the Tree Warden.
The property owner will be responsible for the planting plus any needed maintenance or removal. (The Town of Southborough Street Tree Guidelines are available here.)
As some of us are too aware, trees along roadsides can eventually become victims of overzealous pruning by utility companies. To avoid issues like that, here are some planting tips from the Arbor Day Foundation, the organization behind the Tree City program, plus benefits trees provide. (Click images to enlarge.)
If you sign up for the Town’s program, the Planning Department or Tree Warden will follow up with you to coordinate your participation. To register, click here. You can also make a financial donation to the program for the Tree Warden to coordinate plantings in town.
As for our Tree City USA status – Southborough officially became one last spring. They are reapplying to maintain that status this spring. (For more information about Tree City USA click on links to the program website and the state’s info sheets.)
*The Arbor Day proclamation signed by the Board of Selectmen promises to:
urge all citizens to celebrate Arbor Day and to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands, and Further, We urge all citizens to plant trees to gladden the heart and promote the well-being of this and future generations