Town Survey: Carve out some time to help make a BetterSboro

Above: Residents are being asked to head to to let Town officials know about their priorities, concerns, and what they want to see improved in Town services and governance.

The Town is asking residents to complete a survey. Unlike past surveys, this one isn’t focused on a specific service or need. It was designed to give officials a deeper understanding of residents’ priorities and concerns across the board.

This survey has been put together by various town departments to collect your feedback to improve the town.

Completing the full survey will take 20-30 minutes.  If you have more limited time, you may skip sections that are of lesser interest to you.

Your responses are anonymous. Please encourage your friends and neighbors in Southborough to complete this year’s Survey!

The town-wide survey is the brainchild of the Municipal Technology Committee. They hope to solicit feedback from residents on an annual basis. Information collected will help officials determine priorities for services, resources, needed improvements, etc.

I know that a lot of work and outreach went into creating the survey, and I encourage readers to take the time to weigh in.

You can find the survey at

If you want a preview of what you’ll be asked, questions include, but aren’t limited to:

  • satisfaction with aspects of living, working, and raising kids in town
  • overall satisfaction with Town departments/services
  • opinions on Town leadership
  • more detailed opinions about specific depts, areas of service, and infrastructure
  • priorities and opportunities to comment

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