Recycling/Reuse news: Swap Shops Reopened, Curbside Composting promoted, and more

Above: The long closed Swap Shop doors have reopened this week. (photo by Beth Melo)

A reader prompted me to ask a question that I forgot to pose last week. When will the Swap Shop reopen?

The answer I received this morning is, it already is!

For some readers this is long awaited, welcome news. But since it has been closed for over a year, some newer residents may not be familiar yet.

The Swap Shop is comprised of three units (pictured above) at the Transfer Station (only accessible to residents with valid permits). Residents drop off items they no longer want for others to reuse. It’s basically a free yard sale. Items include toys, kitchen appliances, housewares, small furniture, tools, and much more.

While I’m sharing that news, I’ll add on some other info about recycling/reuse in town. 

Did you know. . ?

Contributed photo - 2013 - SEF recycling cans and bottlesOnly certain – empty, uncrushed – cans and bottles should be recycled through the redemption cage.

Public Works allows community groups in town (scouts, non-profits, etc.) to take turns redeeming the bottles and cans. Volunteers have to sort through to eliminate ones that aren’t redeemable in Massachusetts. Some brands (like certain craft beers and teas) don’t list our state. And crushed cans and bottles can’t be redeemed. (Non-redeemable bottles and cans can still be recycled in other appropriate bins.)

Please empty your containers first. The liquid (especially in cans) makes the work unnecessarily messy for volunteers.*

Recycling flyerGreasy pizza boxes can be recycled. All plastic bottles, jars, jugs and tubs are recyclable – as long as they are rinsed/wiped fairly clean.

The Public Works’ website shares a link to info on what can and can’t be recycled in the state. Previously, I’ve shared that “not all mobius symbols are equal”. Some plastic containers that have recyclable symbols are recyclable. But according to the state’s website, they are if they are in certain shapes. I included their handy guide to the right. You can search a database for more details on what you can/can’t recycle here.

Curbside Compost flyerThere’s an effort to bring Curbside Composting to Southborough?

This spring, Public Works’ website added a flyer (right) “to learn about curbside compost collection”. Apparently, the program isn’t available yet. But interested residents are encouraged to sign up in an effort to enlist enough potential customers to launch a route. Black Earth Compost’s website explains to Southborough residents:

We currently do commercial pickups in your town and need a handful of people to start a residential collection program. Create an account and preregister now and you will be notified when we begin pickups for $3.85 per week in your neighborhood. There is no financial commitment to preregister.

The more people preregister, the faster we can begin service, so spread the word to get your town composting!

*I share that tip from first hand experience helping a scout troop this winter.

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