Trottier holding after dark laser show for 8th Grade Send-Off next week.

Trottier Middle School is going to turn into an after dark outdoor party venue one evening next week. They asked me to help spread the word to school neighbors.

The school is planning its big send-off for 8th graders. Given the regional high school (and number of students headed to private schools or Assabet), it’s a big milestone for the Southborough middle schoolers.

Since this year the safety measures prompted a change from the usual format, Principal Gary Hrechuk asked me to warn neighbors and share the explanation:

I wanted to share that Trottier is planning an outdoor event on June 16th, 8:30-10:00 pm, with rain dates of June 17th and 18th as a send-off for our 8th graders.

Traditionally, we hold a banquet in the gym on the last day of school. Unfortunately, due to the COVID restrictions, we needed to shift our planning and coordinate an outdoor event. On June 16th, we will have our 8th graders enjoy a laser show set to music as their send-off. We need to start at 8:30 to ensure the display can be properly viewed on the outdoor screen.

I recognize that for our neighbors near the Trottier campus that this could be disruptive and unwanted. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. As a school community, we felt it was important to recognize our 8th graders because of the opportunities and experiences they lost over the past year. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me directly at or call 508-485-2400 ext. 65102

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