Above: Grants awarded through the Choate Fund this year include following up on details related to prior grants to enhance outdoor resources at the Library. (images L-R cropped from Facebook and by Beth Melo)
Earlier this spring, I shared an opportunity to apply for recreation grants through the Choate Fund. Recently, the Trustees followed up to update me on who received the awards.
The Choate Fund Trustees approved the following three grants to:
- Southborough Historical Society– to support the development of an Interactive Walking Tour linking the length of Main Street from the Burnett Mansion to the site of the old train station (across from the Lamy Insurance building, downtown).
- Southborough Stewardship Committee – to support creating signage that will expand awareness and enhance recreational opportunities for those who use trails in Southborough.
- Southborough Library – to support the purchase of exterior storage for the chess set and a sign for the SOOFA bench.
The Library’s outdoor chess set was previously funded through a 2019 grant by the Choate Fund.
In 2020 the Choate Trustees agreed to fund the SOOFA bench – which uses solar power to charge devices. The Library added it to the small outdoor pavilion created through a past Eagle Scout project by Nicholas Remillard.
There was one more application that the Choate Trustees are potentially willing to fund this year.
Southborough Youth Wrestling applied for two wrestling mats. Apparently, the grant may be awarded if conditions are met (including identifying a training facility and providing more details about the program.)
Over 100 years ago, a Southborough’s Charles F. Choate established a fund to benefit the town. He wanted his estate to support recreation projects, particularly for young people.
The fund continues to give, these days through annual grants decided upon by the heads of Southborough’s main school systems: public schools, St. Mark’s School, and Fay School.