ARHS Class of 2021 Future Plans

The Senior Edition of The Harbinger printed* the “self-reported” future college/university plans of Algonquin seniors.

Here are some of the details from the paper’s reporting of the Class of 2021’s future academic destinations, as reported by 318 members of the class:

  • 138 will attend schools in Massachusetts
    • 8 of the 10 most well-attended schools are in-state:
      • UMass Amherst (27)
      • Northeastern University (16)
      • Endicott College (8)
      • B.U. (6)
      • Assumption University (6)
      • Bridgewater State (5)
      • Quinsigamond Community College (5)
      • WPI (5)
  • The second place destination is New York with 29 students
  • 89 will head out of state but stay in New England:
    • 20 in New Hampshire (with 14 of those attending UNH)
    • 19 in Connecticut
    • 17 in Rhode Island (with 6 of those attending URI)
  • The other most popular states are Florida (11) and Pennsylvania (10)
  • 4 will need passports (2 for Quebec and another 2 for England)

Congrats to all!

*[Note: Unfortunately, while I was able to get ahold of a copy, at this time the issue isn’t online to share, and copies weren’t donated to the Southborough Library. So, if you are looking for more details, I can only point you to ask a student you know to pass along an issue!]


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3 years ago

Go Rhody!

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