Above: Parents with kids enrolled in Southborough’s Town summer camp (or considering it) can get details on this summer’s protocols in a webinar next week. (images cropped from flyer and Facebook.)
Southborough Recreation is holding a webinar next week for parents. The session is to go over the details of the Town’s Summer Camp program. (Scroll down for details on the zoom session.)
While I’m sharing that, I’m also updating on camp details.
Use the Wait Lists
Some of the summer camp weeks already filled up. This week, I learned that there is good reason to use the Town’s waitlists.
Recreation Director Tim Davis informed the Rec Commission that with restrictions beginning to lift, they may allow more campers into the program than the initial cap. He explained that they purposely “over staffed” the camp to allow the possibility. They aren’t ready to do that just yet, but Davis tells me that is still on hold but is a possibility mid-season.
(In the meantime, you can check out other camp options here.)
The camp won’t be offering field trips or be able to make use of the St. Mark’s pool this summer. But they are increasing the number of on-site special events and entertainers.
If you haven’t checked out the Rec camp offerings and themes yet, click here for my coverage and here for registration.
Parent Webinar
Come meet your camp supervisors, and learn all there is to know about Southborough Rec Summer Camp for 2021. We will be covering everything from pick up and drop off routines, what to bring each day, and health and safety protocols we will implement as a department this summer. This session will cover all camps and programs: Camp Fayville, Camp Cordaville, and the Counselor in Training Program.
Can’t make it? No problem! A recording of the session will be posted to our website www.SouthboroughRec.com for future viewing.
A Zoom link will be sent out Tuesday, June 15, 2021 and also posted to our website.
We hope you will join us as we prepare for an incredible summer together!
The session will take place June 16, 2021, from 7:30 – 8:30 pm.
For all of my summer camp coverage (of camps in town or by Algonquin athletics), click here.