Above: It’s strawberry picking season in our area now. Blueberries and raspberries are among the crops to ripen in coming weeks. (images cropped from Facebook left and center by Tougas, and right by Nourse farms)
If you like fresh-picked strawberries, and enjoy doing the picking yourself, it’s time to look at the local options. And if strawberries aren’t your jam, maybe another upcoming crop is.
There aren’t any pick-your-own fruit options available to the public in Southborough. Fortunately, there are four farms just a stone’s throw away that offer u-pick fun.
My family traditionally enjoyed fruit picking at Tougas Family Farm in Northborough. In addition to spring-fall pick your own fruits, they have a great playground and lots of goats to entertain the kids. Of all the area orchards, they offer the most choices of fruits, and therefore the most consistent picking. (Though, as with all the u-pick programs, you should check the day of or before to ensure conditions are ripe and fruit is plentiful.)
Right now, they’re promoting strawberries. Starting in late June, their crops start ripening in the following overlapping order: cherries, blueberries, peaches and nectarines, blackberries, countless varieties of apples, and pumpkins. To check out what’s picking any given day, click here. You can also follow them on Facebook.
Nourse Farms in Westborough has fewer crops over the course of the summer, but includes some you won’t find listed above.
Their strawberry picking is also active this week. The overlapping u-pick seasons to follow (starting late June/early July) are red raspberries, black raspberries, red currants, blueberries, flowers, and pumpkins. Click here for the latest picking report.
You can check out some gorgeous, inviting views of the farm (and cattle herd) on Facebook.
Over in Berlin, there’s another local farm with u-pick options. It’s currently in the process of transitioning its name from Indian Head Farm to Cordelia’s Farm. According to its u-pick details, the strawberry picking is a bit slow as it winds down. But upcoming seasons staring in mid-July are blueberries and raspberries. They also have corn and vegetable crops (that aren’t u-pick but are farm fresh) for sale over the summer.
Belkin Farm in Framingham doesn’t expect to start its u-pick season until at least late August this year.
(It seems the early summer business is now focused on their outdoor dining experience.) I’m not sure what they will offer this year, but past late season u-pick fruits they’ve offered have included plums, apples, asian pears, and pumpkins.
If you’re looking for other fun things to do in Southborough and nearby with kids this summer, click here.
Updated (6/17/21 8:24 am): A commenter pointed to Hanson’s Farm on Nixon Road in Framingham as another option. They are currently promoting pick your own strawberries as part of a strawberry festival this Saturday. There aren’t a lot of details offered around their u-pick options and seasons, but they list berries, pumpkins, and flowers. To see what’s going on in later weeks this summer, I suggest checking their Facebook posts.
Hanson’s Farm on Nixon Road is great for berry picking and much more farmer’s market fare.
Thanks for the tip. I wasn’t aware of that one. Googled it and found you are referring to Framingham. I’ll add a few details and link above.