Library Gardening news: Lifecycle of Seeds, next steps in Seed Exchange, and more

In recent years, the Southborough Library has ramped up its gardening related activities. I’m rounding up some of this summer’s reminders and announcements related to those efforts.

Lifecycle of Seeds and the Seed Exchange

If you haven’t already registered for the Lifecycle of Seeds workshop this Monday, it’s not too late.

Lifecycle of seeds flyerThe zoom workshop on August 16th at 7:00 pm will explain “all types of seed starting as well as which seeds to harvest and how to store them to add to your sustainable life.” The program is led by Blackstone Valley Veggie Gardens, as part of the Library’s DIG IN! Garden Information Series supported by an MLBC grant. Register through Southborough Rec here.

teen seed starter kitsThe Library’s series is open to anyone age 12 and older. (Earlier this month, to help spawn a new generation of green thumbs, the Library gave out special seed starter kits to teens. The “pots” were printed with the Teen Room’s 3D printer.)

For those interested in harvesting seeds, the Library has already been educating on the process this summer. It’s part of their effort to collect seeds for next year’s Seed Exchange. The premise of the program that gives out seeds to the community each year is that recipients will give back to the program at the end of the lifecycle.

The Library’s website promotes:

Seed Exchange Next Steps flyerThe summer months mean that it is time once again to collect seeds from your plants and flowers! The library will happily store these seeds to use in our ongoing Seed Exchange – simply bring them in with you to the library! Steps:

1. Cut flower head with scissors or a knife.
2. Collect the ripe seeds from the flower head and place on waxed paper.
3. Allow the seeds to dry for about a week.
4. Clean the seeds by removing any husks for pods.
5. Place seeds in an envelope and seal.
6. Sow the seeds in spring and share.

Contact Pat Ellis at 508-485-5031 or with questions, comments, or concerns

Gardening at the Library

A few weeks ago, the Library shared news on Facebook about its Community Garden beds at the Library:

Community Garden Beds at LibraryWe would like to thank the Town of Southborough Public Works Department (in particular staff members Chris Leroy and Karen Galligan) and local Eagle Scout Troop 92 (in particular Michael McEvoy, Jim McCarthy, and Peter DiStefano) for coordinating the installation of community garden beds at our library. This was an extention of the Southborough Library’s Dig In! grant funded by the Library Services and Technology Act and distributed by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners / MBLC. You helped plant the seeds!

They have also been helping to put out the word about the Open Space Preservation Commission’s call for volunteers. The OSPC is seeking helping hands for a garden at the Library to support native pollinators.

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