Above: If you want to purchase your Transfer Station permits in person, the DPW has a walkup window. (image contributed by DPW’s Tammi Rice)
This year’s Transfer Station permit stickers expire in a few weeks. Starting September 15th, the 2021-2022 stickers must be “in place” in order to access the station.
There are multiple options for purchasing the sticker, including in person. But none are for buying them in-person on a Saturday when most residents use the refuse and recycling facilities. So, you’ll probably want to plan ahead.
Stickers are restricted to Southborough residents. For most of us, the cost is $250 per household. (The charge applies to the first car, with no fee for additional permits.)
As has been the case for years, homeowners 65 years and older can get their permits for free.*
For anyone else with limited income/financial hardships, you should be aware of the Town’s fee waiver allowances. (They will be using the same protocols they followed for the Town’s rental/mortgage assistance program.) You can find the requirements and application here.
Here are the details to acquire one:
- You can easily purchase the sticker(s) online. Paying by eCheck only adds 50¢ to the $250 permit, but using a credit card adds a 2.95% fee. (That amounts to $7.38.)
- You can fill out a mail-in form and send it in with a check. (Checks are payable to the Town of Southborough but get mailed in to their vendor – so don’t drop them in the Town Hall mailbox.)
- You can walk up to the DPW’s outdoor window again this year. The hours are weekdays 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. You’ll need to bring a check or credit/debit card (no chash) and a copy of your current vehicle registration(s) with you. The DPW Building is at 147 Cordaville Road (in the lot on the right from the driveway to the Transfer Station).
If you do drag your feet in making the purchase, there’s no financial penalty for buying stickers after September 15th. You’ll just need to get one before you can resume using the facility. (Pro-rated permits are available at $20/month, but the discount only applies to new residents.)
You can find more info on the Transfer Station on the DPW’s dedicated page, including the 2021-2022 rules.
*The fee waiver for seniors applies to residents who are owners of record of a Southborough residence who will turn age 65 on or before 12/31/21.
Updated (8/25/21 10:52 am): Replaced last year’s photo with this year’s, showing the blue canopy over the window.