Southborough runners headed for Heartbreak Hill

Above: Southborough runners will be part of the pack in Monday’s marathon. (image cropped from official marathon Facebook post)

Monday is the special fall Marathon Monday. That means, once again, Southborough runners are headed to Hopkinton.

This time, with limited bibs available, the number of runners is about a third of our usual pack. Seven residents (4 women and 3 men) are running in the actual 2021 Boston Marathon.*

It’s New England, so the forecast is hardly set in stone for an event that’s days away. But the predicted “chance of rain” may make make the start a bit damp that morning. Hopefully, it will clear up by the time they hit their strides.

(May the wind be at their back and the rain minimal!)

Here’s the complete list of who’s registered for the challenge. (For those publicly raising funds, I included information with links to their blog stories and direct links to their fundraising pages.**)

Please join me in wishing the following residents the best on their 26.2-mile trek.

If you’re thinking of heading to the starting line on Monday morning, check out Hopkinton’s travel information (and helpful links) here. To follow runner’s virtually, click here.

*(I don’t have the list of who is running a virtual version.)

**If one of the above runners not listed as running for a cause has fundraising info to share, please email or post a comment below. You can also reach out if you are running a virtual marathon fundraiser.

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