Above: ARHS Football took home the trophy from their annual Thanksgiving Day game against Westborough. (image from tweet by @ARHSAthletics)
[Highlights from last week’s competitions and what’s on tap this week in high school sports.]
This week is the start of winter sports. Though the official season competitions don’t start until next week, there’s some action scheduled for this weekend.
The ARHS swim/dive teams will participate in the annual league fundraiser for the Worcester County Food Pantry & Oxfam America. And Boys Hockey has back-to-back scrimmages lined up.
Last week’s Thanksgiving Day game wrapped up the end of Algonquin’s fall sports. Gonk Football dominated rivals Westborough, 49-0. Below are a couple of pics courtesy of Owen Jones Photography:
In other news related to ARHS Athletics, the administration issued an announcement from Algonquin’s Mascot Study Group this morning.
The group will be asking the Regional School Committee for permission to ask students to vote in January on a replacement mascot for the Tomahawks. They’ll be presenting five choices: Eagles, Falcons, Nor’Easters, Thunder, and Titans.
The list was winnowed from nine choices that had also included the Golden Eagles, Owls, Navigators, and Trailblazers. According to the message the decision followed:
more than 1300 responses to a survey of the community, thousands of interactions through polling on social media, and opportunities to speak with students
The announcement provided an agenda for the group’s recent meeting in which their decision was made and detailed planned next steps:
In the meantime, the Mascot Renaming Study Group will coordinate the basic visual renderings of the final five mascot options. Visual representations of each of the final five mascot options will be presented to the students to consider before they cast their vote. Being able to visualize what the mascot will look like has always been a critical part of the process and will be required with enough time to process before the vote occurs.
We are at an exciting stage of the process. We look forward to seeing the visual representations of the mascot options. If you have any questions, please feel free to email the Study Group at: MascotStudyGroup@nsboro.k12.ma.us.
The next Regional School Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 15th at 6:30 pm.
Now, here are the ARHS varsity competitions on tap for the week:
Saturday, December 4, 2021
- 6:00 pm – ARHS Girls Swimming/Diving @ Westboro Tennis And Swim Club (19th Annual Mid Wach Swim League Swims Against Hunger Swim-a-thon)
- 6:00 pm – ARHS Boys Swimming/Diving @ Westboro Tennis And Swim Club (19th Annual MidWach Swim League Swims Against Hunger Swim-a-thon)
- 7:10 pm – ARHS Boys Ice Hockey vs. Shrewsbury High School @ North Star Ice Sports, Westborough (Scrimmage)
- 8:20 pm – ARHS Boys Ice Hockey vs. Wachusett Regional @ North Star Ice Sports, Westborough (Scrimmage)
(To check for changes or find a complete schedule of Algonquin sports, including JV, freshmen, and unified match ups, click here. Follow these links for the Assabet sports schedule and the St. Mark’s sports schedule.)
Have a photo of your favorite team in action to share? Email mysouthborough@gmail.com.