Above: ARHS shared the “screencast” students viewed this week about mascot choices.
On Wednesday, I shared information that was posted on social media about the pros and cons for mascot choices. Today, Algonquin Principal Sean Bevan emailed the school community an update that included a link to the screencast students viewed. It includes more context to consider than were in the posters on instagram.
The mascot vote, was planned for today. Thanks to the snow day, that will take place on Monday. The choice will then be revealed in “a live-streamed event” on Thursday, February 17th.
As the school prepares to head into the next phase, designing a logo, they are “gathering feedback from students about how the next logo can reflect their interests, tastes, and preferences”. Today, the students were emailed a form to submit “their thoughts about the aesthetics of the next mascot logo images”.