Above: Gonk Boys Soccer will be using their skills to teach younger players this month. (images cropped from contributed form)
This month, the Algonquin Boys Soccer team is putting on a 3-evening clinic. The program for boys and girls in grades 1-8 will be run by coaches and players.
Organizers promote:
Get your spring season off to a great start with thousands of touches on the ball.
To “maximize” those touches participants are encouraged to bring their own balls.
The Clinic will take place from 5:00 – 8:00 pm in Algonquin’s gym on the evenings of Monday, March 14th, Wednesday March 16th and Thursday March 17th.
Registrations must be received by March 12th. The cost is $90 “for 9 hours of advanced technical and tactical training”, paid to the Algonquin Soccer Boosters.
To register and pay online, click here. Or download their application form here to send in a check by mail.
For questions on the clinic, please contact Head Coach Ken Morin at 774-248-5266 or via email at coachken21@gmail.com.