Above: After a two year hiatus, the big Walk/Run on Southborough roads to support NECC’s work in autism research and education is back this spring. (images from event website)
The 16th annual 5K for Southborough based The New England Center for Children is a month from today, on Saturday, May 21st.
Every year, runners and walkers, including many from Southborough, take part to raise awareness and funds for NECC’s autism research and education. For the past two years, efforts were “virtual”. This year, the event is returning to an in-person 5K Walk/Run in Southborough.
A big change this year is that registration is free. Instead participants are asked to use the event to help solicit donations.
NECC promotes:
This professionally timed race is a signature fundraising event to support NECC’s mission to create a global network of educators, researchers, and programs so that those living with autism may live fuller lives. In lieu of a registration fee, participants are encouraged to request donations from family and friends to support the Center.
“The pandemic has forced us to hold this event virtually for the last two years and we are very much looking forward to being back in person for this year’s 5K,” said Jared Bouzan, chief development officer for NECC. “This family-friendly event is much loved among our students, staff, and families, and we can’t wait to join together again in person and celebrate as a community while raising money for our students.”
Registration is available online in advance or at the event beginning at 9:00 am. The walk/run begins at 10:00 am, followed by a cookout for participants. There will also be raffles and prizes.
If you’re not up to doing the 5K, you can still mark the date to give your support in person and/or donate online.
For those of you who are planning to participate, below are more details.

The day’s activities are based at Neary School’s campus with the course looping around the Parkerville and Deerfoot Road area. The schedule is:
9:00-10:00 am / On site registration/packet pick-up
10:00 am / Race Start
10:30 am – 1:00 pm./ Post Race Cookout/Party
For more of the event details, click here.