Above: There are a variety of activities available in (or related to) our town this Saturday.
A reminder of the event highlights in and related to Southborough this weekend.
Saturday, April 23, 2022
- Earth Day Cleanup ( 8:00 am – 12:00 pm): Southborough’s 30th Annual event to pick up trash along the Town’s roadways and public spaces, sponsored by Southborough Rotary Club. Free treats and coffee will be available starting at 8:00 am at the DPW. Stop in to sign up and pick up trash bags. Cleanup begins at 8:30 am and a pizza lunch for volunteers will be available at the Southborough Library at noon. For details, see related post.
- ARHS Fund Run (1:00 – 3:00 pm) @ Algonquin Regional High School: ARHS – Track and Field Teams are hosting a fundraiser to raise $10,000 for new uniforms and equipment. The Fund Run will have a 1-mile scenic walk through Algonquin’s trails and a 5k race. For details, see dedicated post.
- Wick Choral Festival (7:30 pm) @ St. Mark’s School, Class of ’45 Hall, Putnam Family Arts Center: St. Mark’s annual celebration of a cappella music featuring local high school ensembles capped off with a performance from a collegiate group (Northeastern University).
Sunday, April 24, 2022
- (Full with a waitlist) – Town Forest Guided Nature Walk (1:00 pm) @ off of 76 Woodland Road: As part of Planet Palooza, Get to know the trails, learn about native wildlife, observe and identify plants, trees, and signs of animals. The walk will be led by a naturalist and environmental and outdoor educator. Participation is limited and registration is required. For details, see related post.