Above: SYFS is promoting its series of events to promote Mental Health Awareness this month. (image cropped from flyer)
May is Mental Health Awareness Month (MHAM). As I’ve previously shared, Southborough is holding a series of special related events. Since my last post, Southborough Youth & Family Services has shared more details on a couple of those.
SYFS announcement of the initiative explains:
It’s a time of year that reminds us of the importance of self-care and compassion. It’s also a time for us to connect with each other and support one another as we all have been touched by mental health challenges in some way. This is why the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) has chosen “Together for Mental Health” as their theme for MHAM 2022, a theme that SYFS will echo this year. SYFS, along with other community partners, has many things planned in May from books, to hikes, to movies, and talks. All are centered around health, wellness, and supporting one another. We hope you will join us!
Community Read
One of the events scheduled for later this month is a discussion of the Community Read. So, I should probably flag that for readers!
The book is Brené Brown’s Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone. Brown’s website describes:
Belonging so fully to yourself that you’re willing to stand alone is a wilderness—an untamed, unpredictable place of solitude and searching. It is a place as dangerous as it is breathtaking, a place as sought after as it is feared. The wilderness can often feel unholy because we can’t control it, or what people think about our choice of whether to venture into that vastness or not. But it turns out to be the place of true belonging, and it’s the bravest and most sacred place you will ever stand.
Anyone who needs help getting a copy of the book is encouraged to reach out to the Southborough Library.
Special Events
SYFS wrote that registration for events will be made available on its website, but some of them include registration info/links below:
Mental Fitness
Monday, May 2, 7:00 pm
This event is part of an ongoing zoom series by Jill Vroman and the Southborough Library. “When we improve our mental fitness, we improve our peak performance, healthy relationships and complete health. Learn how you sabotage yourself daily and how it is possible to correct it.” (Click here for more details and to register)
Southborough Goes Green
Friday, May 6
The community is encouraged to wear green in a show of support.
Shop with a Purpose
Saturday, May 7, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
A special shopping event at the Community House to raise funds for the Southborough Summer Camp Scholarship program. (For details, see dedicated post.)
Community Walk
Sunday, May 15, 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm
Southborough Trails Committee hosts two family-friendly forest experiences led by a certified Forest Therapy Guide. These casual, slow paced hikes will take place at Beals Preserve. Space is limited. Click here for more details and to register.
Preschool Story Time with Miss Kim
Monday, May 16 and Tuesday, May 17, 10:30 am
The books and and crafts for this week’s theme of the preschool story time will be consistent with Mental Health Awareness Month. The events take place in the Southborough Library’s Children’s Room. No registration is required.
Managing Teen and Tween Stress
Wednesday, May 18, 12:00 pm
Parents are invited to this zoom workshop ” a discussion on reframing your child’s emotions and behavior and how to respond and support them while maintaining healthy boundaries.” Space is limited. Click here for more details and to register.
Southborough Rotary Club
Wednesday, May 18, 7:00 pm
This meeting of the Rotary Club will feature SYFS Director Sarah Cassell to speak about the department’s mission and services.
Baby & Toddler Story Time with Miss Kim
Thursday, May 19, 11:00 am
This story time with puppets, stories, and music is for children age 0-2 years and their parents or caregivers. This session’s selections will be consistent with Mental Health Awareness Month. The event takes place in the Southborough Library’s Children’s Room. No registration is required.
Community Read Discussion
Thursday, May 19, 7:00 pm
A group discussion over zoom of the Community Read selection “Braving the Wilderness. Cosponsored by the Southborough Library. Click here to register. (For a copy of the book, reach out to the Library.)
Community Watch: Resilience
Saturday, May 21, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
The Southborough Library will be screening the documentary Resilience: the Biology of Stress & the Science of Hope.
Community Watch: Paper Tigers
Saturday, May 21, 1:30 – 3:00 pm
The Southborough Library will be screening the documentary Paper Tigers: One High School’s Unlikely Success Story. A short discussion of the film will follow the screening.
Both Community Watch programs are sponsored by the Library with funding made possible through the Library Services & Technology Act distributed by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.
Trauma Free Communities
Tuesday, May 24, 7:00 pm
Movie Discussion Group over zoom about the Community Watch movies screened on May 21st. (Registration will be offered to Community Watch attendees)
Updated (5/2/22 10:44 am): I added more information about the Community Read (before the list of events).
I’m looking forward to the Shop With A Purpose event! I just heard that there will be a hair stylist from Hashtag Bauty Lounge there to braid you hair. How cool is that? Can’t wait to see what else is being offered. I hope this fundraiser a huge success, as the cause is a worthwhile one.