Above: There’s a lot of walking being encouraged this week – including the annual overnight fundraiser for the American Cancer Society and the special Community Walks on Sunday for Mental Health Awareness Month.
Here are highlights of what’s happening around town this week.
Monday, May 9, 2022
- Walking Group for Seniors (8:30 am) @ Trottier Middle School’s outdoor track: Free walking group organized by the Southborough Senior Center, see newsletter. Walkers generally go for an hour, but continue for as long as you wish. The location is a loop, so feel free to join late.
- Stretch Break Class for seniors (10:15 am) @ Southborough Senior Center: For details on weekly class, see newsletter.
- Preschool Story Time (10:30 – 11:15 am) @ Southborough Library Children’s Room: Join Miss Kim for stories and craft based on a weekly theme. No registration required.
- Youth Writing Club (3:30 -4:30 pm) @ zoom: The Southborough Library is hosting this virtual creative writing club for ages 10-18. The zoom sessions are a fun and supportive space to get creative and build skills with peers. For details, see dedicated post.
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
- Town Election (6:30 am – 8:00 pm) @ Trottier Middle School: The annual election for elected Town officials. For official details, click here. For coverage of races, click here.
- Senior Center Closed: To accommodate a volunteer recognition event, the facility is closed today.
- Tuesday Tech Time (4:00 – 5:00 pm) @ Southborough Library Teen Room: Need help with technology? Library staff and teen volunteers will make every effort to assist you. Bring questions about ebooks and electronic resources. This is a drop in event; no registrations necessary. Sessions are limited to no more than 1 hour.
- Poetry Workshop (6:30 – 8:30 pm) @ Southborough Library: Bi-monthly meeting open to all. Bring your original poetry to share for constructive feedback. For details, see Library website.
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
- Finn Walk to School Day (8:30 am) @21 Highland St: Walk with other Finn students and parents as a group (or walk with an adult from home). For details, families should check the Thursday packet.
- Walking Group for Seniors (8:30 am) @ Southborough cemetery, 11 Cordaville Road: Free walking group organized by the Southborough Senior Center, see newsletter. Walkers generally go for an hour, but continue for as long as you wish. The location is a loop, so feel free to join late.
- Elder Law advice (10:00 – 10:45 am) @ phone or zoom: An Elder Law attorney will offer Southborough seniors free individualized legal advice during scheduled remote sessions. For details, see Senior Center newsletter insert.
- Young Scientists STEM Beginnings (10:30 – 11:30 am) @ Southborough Library Children’s Room: A free in-person series for children, ages 3-6 to learn STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) concepts through hands-on activities, story time and simple experiments. The program through the Southborough Library is sponsored by the YMCA Family & Community Partnership.
Thursday, May 12, 2022
- Strength Training Class for seniors (8:30 am) @ Southborough Senior Center: Pre-registration required. For details on semi-weekly class, see newsletter.
- Advanced Tai Chi for seniors (9:45 am) @ zoom: Pre-registration required. For details on semi-weekly class, see newsletter.
- Mah Jongg (10:00 am) @ Southborough Senior Center: The weekly program would love new players to join. Feel free to stop by to watch or talk to one of the players to see if you would be interested. For details, contact the Senior Center at 508-229-4453.
- Baby/Toddler Storytime (11:00 – 11:45 am) @ Southborough Library Children’s Room: This story time is for children age 0-2 years and their parents or caregivers. Each session will include puppets, stories, and music. No registration required.
- Chair Yoga for seniors (12:30 pm) @ Southborough Senior Center: Pre-registration required. For details on weekly class, see newsletter.
- ARHS Improv (7:00 pm) @ ARHS Black Box Theatre: The Needs IMPROVment spring show. The entire night of fast-paced, interactive PG-13 improv and sketch comedy is created by ARHS students. Admission is $5 at the door. No reservations are required.
- Rotary Interact Club (7:30 – 8:30 pm) @ Southborough Library, main level: Take action, build international understanding, and make new friends around the world. Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun.
Friday, May 13, 2022
- Canasta (10:00 am) @ Southborough Senior Center: A weekly card group. For details, contact the Senior Center at 508-229-4453.
- Dull Men’s Club (10:00 am) @ zoom: Casual social club for senior men. New members are always welcome to drop in. For details, see dedicated post.
- Outdoor Pre-K Yoga (10:30 – 11:15 am) @ Southborough Library Lawn: Yoga program for 3-6 year olds (and siblings and caregivers). Registration is required. For details, see dedicated post.
- ARHS Relay for Life (6:00 pm to Saturday 6:00 am) @ Algonquin Regional High School: The overnight fundraiser is in support of the American Cancer Society. The schedule combines fun times with meaningful moments to motivate in the fight against cancer. Each registered team gets their own campsite at the event that where they can set up tents. Starting at 6:00 pm on Friday, members of teams will relay to take turns walking the track, led by cancer survivors from the community. When participants are not walking, they can participate in a variety of other fun activities. (A dinner for cancer survivors and caregivers will be held at 5:30 pm, which will be followed by opening ceremonies at 6:30 pm.) For details, click here.
- ARHS Improv (7:00 pm) @ ARHS Black Box Theatre: The Needs IMPROVment spring show. The entire night of fast-paced, interactive PG-13 improv and sketch comedy is created by ARHS students. Admission is $5 at the door. No reservations are required.
Saturday, May 14, 2022
- Electronic and Bicycle Recycling (9:00 am – 2:0 pm) @ St. Anne’s Church: You can turn in old electronics to be recycled (mostly at a fee) or bikes to have be re-used at no cost. For details, stay tuned to for a dedicated post Friday afternoon.*
- Cookbook Club (1:00 – 2:00 pm) @ Southborough Library Lawn: Pick a dish from the 20th Anniversary America’s Test Kitchen cookbook and bring it to be enjoyed on the library lawn. Email your selected dish in advance. All ages and partners welcome. For details, see dedicated post.
Sunday, May 15, 2020
- Painted Turtle Family Walk (1:00 – 2:30 pm) @ : Southborough Trails Committee is hosting this walk led by a certified Forest Therapy Guide (and followed by a “Forest Tea Party) for families with kids under 12 years old as part of Mental Health Awareness month. Pre-registration is required. For details, see related post.
- Buttercup Spring Walk (3:00 – 4:30 pm) @ : Southborough Trails Committee is hosting this walk led by a certified Forest Therapy Guide (and followed by a “Forest Tea Party) for families with kids over 12 years old as part of Mental Health Awareness month. Pre-registration is required. For details, see related post.
Updated (5/9/20 3:24 pm): A flyer and Facebook event for the Cook Book Club clarify that this week’s recipes are encouraged to be from the 20th Anniversary America’s Test Kitchen cookbook.
*Updated (5/13/22 4:40 pm): I neglected to include the Electronics Recycling event on Saturday. A post will go up at 5:00 pm today with more details.