Above: Making smoothies is just one of the activities the Library hopes will draw young adults to the Teen Room this summer. (image edited from Facebook)
The Southborough Library has a number of free events/programs for young adults ages 12-18 this summer. Here are events worth marking in your calendars.
[If you missed my post last week about children’s and tween programs at the Library this summer, click here.]
Weekly Programs for teens
Library staff will be running two new drop-in programs this summer:
Open Lab for Ideas
Wednesdays, July 6th – August 24th, 6:30 – 8:30 pm, in the Teen Room
Join Library Associate Val for demonstrations of the Dremel Laser Cutter, the 3D Printer, and more! In the library’s Idea Lab, explore how you can take creative project ideas and make them a reality. (If you have any questions, please email Ryan at rdonovan@cwmars.org.)
Teen Summer Art Club
Mondays in August, 2:30 – 3:30 pm, in the Teen Room
Bring your creative flair to the library’s Teen Room and work on a variety of creative projects like drawing, collage, coloring, or button making!
Special Events for 12-18 year olds only
The following are one-time programs. The first two are also drop-in, no registration required. But, you will need to (eventually) pre-register for the third:
Teen Summer Smoothie Making
Friday, July 15th, 2:00 – 4:00 pm, in the Teen Room
Join us to experiment with smoothie ingredients and enjoy your library-made smoothies. Sponsored by The Friends of the Southborough Library. For Ages 12 to 18.
Teen Book Spine Poetry
Thursday, August 4th, 4:00 – 5:00 pm, in the Teen Room
Create some “found” poetry by choosing young adult fiction titles on the library shelves and arranging the titles on the spines in a poetic fashion. Pictures will be taken to commemorate the masterpieces…and maybe some good new reads discovered!
Crystal Alchemy Box
Wednesday, August 24th, 4:00 – 5:45 pm, main floor
(A sign up page hasn’t been created for this program yet. Look for registration to be made available through the Recreation website here.)
A unique soulful, meditative art program that transforms an 8 x 8 kraft box into your own 3-D Alchemy Box. We will decorate the inside (our innermost desires and goals) as well as the outside (our outside persona). A wide variety of mixed media and colorful wrapping papers are provided as well as fun paper punches, ribbon, full color inspirational text and imagery. We will have a journaling exercise which will be sealed/placed inside. Each artist will receive a piece of rose quartz for their box as a symbol of self-love. Let your inner child come out to play and take time to listen to your soul speaking. Meditative music and herbal teas will help set the inspiring tone. For ages 12-18. Limited to 20 participants.
Crafting events that young adults can also join
The following special craft programs are open to the age group, though they include younger kids starting ages 8+. Each month, the Library is bringing in crafter Mandy Roberge to lead a program. Registration is required for each of the following sessions.
Crafternoon: Creative Journaling
Wednesday, June 29th, 4:00 – 5:00 pm, Main Floor
Using multi-media supplies and prompts, kids can begin a journal to use at home, with the theme of acknowledging gratitude in their lives. This journal will also include a summer bucket list. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Southborough Library. Please register.
Open Crafting
Wednesday, July 20th, 4:00 – 5:00 pm, Main Floor
Craft instructor Mandy Roberge has gone through her studio will provide tables of fun craft supplies. All you need is your creativity! This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Southborough Library. Please register.
Crafternoon: Mini Lanterns
Wednesday, August 17th, 4:00 – 5:00 pm, Main Floor
Join us for Crafternoon: Reading Jar Mini-Lanterns. Decorate a glass jar using decoupage and turn it into a reading light! A battery operated tea light will be provided. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Southborough Library. Please register.
Updated (7/13/22 8:32 am): My apologies – I had incorrectly listed the July 15th smoothie making event as on a Tuesday.