Above: Images represent some of the CPA projects approved by Town Meeting in the past several years. If you have a project you’d like voters to consider next year, the time to apply is now. (scroll down for photo credits)
If there’s a project you’re hoping voters will approve using CPA funds to support next year, the deadline to get the ball rolling is a month from today.
Many residents know that the Community Preservation Act funds can be used to support Historic Preservation and create/maintain Recreation and Open Space. Since Southborough hasn’t been funding projects related to it*, I’m guessing fewer realize that it can also fund Community Housing projects.
The Town website explains:
The Community Preservation Committee shall make recommendations to the Town Meeting for the acquisition, creation and preservation of open space; for the acquisition, rehabilitation, restoration and preservations of historic resources; for the acquisition, creation and preservation of land for recreational use; for the creation, preservation support of community housing; and for the rehabilitation or restoration of such open space, land for recreational use and community housing that is acquired or created as provided in this section. With respect to community housing, the Community Preservation Committee shall recommend, wherever possible, the reuse of existing buildings, or construction of new buildings on previously developed sites.
The fund is overseen by the Community Preservation Committee. Last month, they held a public hearing to allow people to weigh in on how funds should be used or ask questions about the process. You can watch that here.
To allow the group time to vet projects and work through logistical, financial and legal details before bringing proposals to voters, CPC typically requests applications several months before Annual Town Meeting. This year, the deadline is Friday, August 26th. For the official application, click here.
*SHOPC (Southborough Housing Opportunity Partnership Committee) is looking to change that. They have been working with Town officials to transfer money from CPA funds that were designated for housing in the CPA accounts to the Town’s Affordable Housing Trust. The intent is to help fund SHOPC’s efforts on the Town’s Affordable Housing Trust 5-year Plan. I expect a related Article to be on the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting in October.
(above images cropped clockwise from: 84 Main St pic by Alan Bezanson, trails project location on Google Maps, St. Mark’s Church clock tower pic on Facebook, Mooney Field lights from Facebook, Town House pic by Beth Melo, Library facade pic by Ryan Donovan, Old Burial Ground headstones pic by Kate Matison, golf course pic by Neil A. Theriault’s Facebook post, and Richardson Tennis Courts from a Town announcement)