Sharing the latest NSBORO Covid data and a reminder of Clinics for Covid Vaccine Boosters and Flu shots.
As of Friday, Trottier Middle School was reporting 22 cases of Covid confirmed last week. I took a look and confirmed that there are still slots open for the vaccine clinic for Covid Boosters for ages 12+ – with one being held tonight. So, I’m reminding of those details and the upcoming Flu Clinics.
The NSBORO Dashboard posted on Friday shows that 28 cases were reported in Southborough last week (with 22 of those from Trottier) and 11 at Algonquin. You can see the chart right and more details here.
The clinics below are all open to Southborough residents and employees, though pre-registration is required. Below is an overview of each. (If you can’t make one of these clinics, the Town may open more, but there are also vacccines available through local pharmacies.)
As of September 1, 2022, a new COVID-19 booster vaccine has been recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These new COVID-19 booster vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer are updated versions of the original vaccines. Anyone age 12 or older who completed a primary COVID-19 vaccination series or received a booster dose at least two months ago should get the updated booster as soon as possible.
The Covid Clinics are hosted at the Northborough Senior Center (119 Bearfoot Rd). Pre-register for the following dates:
- Tuesday, September 27 (Pfizer only) – as of this morning slots were available from 4:35 – 7:20 pm
- Friday, October 7, 9am-noon (Pfizer and Moderna offered) – as of this morning slots were available from 10:00 – 11:40 am
Flu Clinics
There are two venue options for the Flu Clinic. The Town had already begun to promote a clinic at the Southborough Senior Center on a weekday morning. Now, they’ve added news of a Saturday clinic at Algonquin with hours that are better for students and those who work during weekdays.
(The Town may eventually add hours at the Senior Center’s Clinic that afternoon – but right now they are focusing on making sure they have enough shots for seniors and Town employees.)
If you are over the age of 65, you may want to register for the Senior Center Clinic, which offers the high-dose vaccine as an option.* (If you can’t make that time work, you should be able to get high-dose vaccines from a local pharmacy.)
Here are the currently available dates, times, and locations open for pre-registration:
- Wednesday October 19, 10am-12:30pm at the Southborough Senior Center, 9 Cordaville Hall (high dose shots are available for seniors)*
- Saturday October 29, 9am-12pm – Algonquin “Drive Thru” Clinic, 79 Bartlett St., Northborough (no high-dose shots available for seniors)*
- For this event, the public is encouraged (but not required) to bring a Toys for Tots donation to drop off.
For the full details on any of the above clinics, click here.
*The Town’s vaccine info includes: High-dose flu vaccines are only licensed for people 65 years and older and it is not recommended for people with a history of severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or to ingredients other than eggs. Speak to your doctor about what vaccine is right for you.