Above: Enjoy Halloween fun for little ones this weekend. (images cropped from flyer and cover art for a Stacey Peasley song.)
This weekend is another chance to celebrate Halloween early. Saturday morning, October 29, Fay School is Hosting the Southborough Library’s Halloween party. (Open to all for free, no registration required.)
For years now, Fay has hosted the party, complete with a costume parade and story time.
This year’s details include the return of Spooky Music with children’s musician/songwriter Stace Peasely. For those of you who don’t know Peasley, click on her single “Spooky” (right) to hear a song she’s bound to be including in the concert.
Throughout the party, from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm, kids can enjoy other Halloween themed games and activities.
Here is the schedule within the party:
- 10:15 Halloween story time with Miss Kim from the Library
- 10:45 Costume parade
- 11:15 Spooky music with Stacey Peasley
For more details, click here.
Updated (10/25 3:00 pm): A typo originally listed the party as lasting until 2pm. It ends at noon.