Vote Today

Here's a reminder of the state election day details for Southborough voters

Today is the day of the mid-term/state elections. So, here’s my reminder of what Southborough voters need to know.

I heard through the grapevine that some voters were surprised that Senate candidates they’ve seen on tv weren’t listed on the ballot. Massachusetts does have Congressional House races, but we don’t vote on our U.S. Senators this year. It’s New Hampshire’s competitive race (between Maggie Hassan and Don Bolduc) that has been battling it out on some of our local airwaves.

As for who and what is on our ballot, you can read my recent post listing the candidates and the five ballot questions with links to more information on them here.

To vote today, head to the gym at Trottier Middle School (49 Parkerville Road). The polls are open from 6:30 am until 8:00 pm. (The entrance is on the side of the building facing the outdoor track.)

Southborough Ballot Drop in BoxIf you received a mail-in ballot that you never mailed in, you can vote in-person today instead as long as you leave that at home.

Otherwise, you can drop your completed ballot in the dedicated box at the Town House (17 Common Street) before 8:00 pm. (See image right to make sure you use the correct box, and not the one for Town House mail.)

If you have any questions about voting, you can leave a voicemail for the Town Clerk at 508-485-0710 ext 3005 or email (The Town Clerk’s voter information page is here.)

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