Senior Center winter programs: Casino trip, Adult Coloring, and Knitting (Updated)

Although most of the Senior Center's popular winter programs filled up quickly, a few have more room and there are other drop-in actvities.

Seniors are encouraged to sign up for a bus trip to Encore, enjoy adult coloring, or come in for some social knitting time.

On Tuesday, registration opened for the Southborough Senior Center’s January and February programs. Most of the programs filled up quickly. But there are three that still have room for those who want to sign up and some others activities that are open to all.

In addition to the three programs below, there are regular drop-in programs that don’t require registration. Scroll down for that list.

Adult Coloring over Lunch
Tuesday, February 7th — 12:00pm
$3 suggested donation for the meal

Participants will have a variety of books to pick from. All supplies will be available, though you are also free to bring your own.

This will be a nice time to eat, chat and enjoy coloring together. There are lots of conversations and laughter. Give it a try. We would love to have you participate.

The lunch provided will be Lasagna and Caesar Salad from TJ’s Spirits of Ashland.

Knitting Club
Mondays, January 9th & 23rd, February 13th & 27th — 1:00 pm

For planning purposes, the Senior Center is asking potential attendees to RSVP. The Senior Center is happy to have the club return, and thanked Southborough Public Health Director Dr. Heather Alker for volunteering to lead it. 

Beginners are welcome and supplies will be provided, though you can also bring your own and “any creation you are working on”.

Encore Casino Trip
Wednesday, February 15th, 9:00 am – approx 3:00 pm
Suggested Donation — $10

Buses will pick up attendees from and return them to the Senior Center parking lot. Note: Travelers will be asked to wear a mask while on the bus for their safety and consideration of others.

The trip is to the casino on the Boston Riverfront. Attendees will receive $20 of free slot play on their cards. Lunch is on your own, and they have a number of dining options. Attendees are asked to “bring your license in order to claim all your winnings” plus a Wynn card if you have one. (If you don’t you will be able to get one using your license.)

To learn more about the venue, click here.

To register for any of the programs, please call 508-229-4453.

You can see the Senior Center’s full winter newsletter with more information here. It also includes the following drop-in activities:

  • Bridge — Tuesdays at 12:00pm
  • Mah Jongg — Thursdays at 10:00am
  • Canasta — Fridays at 11:15am
  • Monthly Book Club — Fridays, January 20th & February 17th at 1:00pm
  • Billiard (Pool) Playweekdays except for on large program dates, 8:30am – 3:00pm
  • Dull Men’s Club — Fridays at 10:00am*
  • Walking Group (if weather allows)
    — Mondays at Trottier Track at 8:30am
    — Wednesdays at Southborough Rural Cemetery at 8:30 am

*For those unfamiliar with the Dull Men’s Club, you can read one of their public invitations from the past here.

Updated (1/5/23 1:37 pm): I corrected the fee for the bus trip.

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