Above: The Triboro Titans are inviting kids to sign up through the league to learn to skate and/or learn to play ice hockey this winter. (images cropped from league website)
Southborough’s shared hockey league has again been offering youth skating/hockey clinics. They asked me to help them promote the last sessions of this season.
Starting in February, kids can take weekly lessons to skate. And tots who already know how to skate can sign up to learn how to play hockey for free.
The programs are offered through Triboro Youth Hockey Association*, a.k.a. the Triboro Titans.
Learn to Skate/Power Skating
Triboro Youth Hockey has contracted with The John Dillon Power Skating School to run its Learn to Skate/Hockey Skating program. Learn to Skate is designed for beginners learning to skate and for intermediate skaters to progress their skills.
The league as been working with the school for over a decade. Instructors split the ice up into sections and place students in a group appropriate to their skill level. Each level builds on what they have learned in previous levels.
The program costs $125 per skater and covers 7 classes. The upcoming (third) session is scheduled for Saturday mornings at 8:30 am, February 4th through March 18th. The program is at the Navin Arena rink (421 Bolton St, Marlborough).
What’s needed for this session: skates, a helmet with a face mask, and hockey gloves (or mittens or gloves) to protect the hands are required; elbow pads and shin guards are recommended. All students will receive a Triboro hockey jersey and medal.
Learn to Play for Free
Triboro Mosquitos House League
The entry level Triboro Titans’ Mosquitos program is a free introduction to the league. This season, joining the House League is open to player born 2015 through 2017.
Play will take place Sunday mornings at 9:00 am in the same rink (Navin Arena, 421 Bolton St, Marlborough). The dates for the upcoming (third) session are February 12th through March 26th.
To register for either program, kids must first be registered with USA Hockey (here). Once you have a hockey registration number, you can sign up for either program here.
If you have any questions, please email board@triboro.org.
*TYHA is a private, nonprofit, community hockey organization. TYHA serves boys and girls in Marlborough, Southborough and Westborough as well as “open” towns within District 8 as classified by Massachusetts Hockey. Programs within Triboro range from Learn to Skate and Learn to Play programs through Midget level team play with multiple levels of competition within each age bracket.