Above: Algonquin students helping teach pre-school students through the school’s “learning lab” pre-K program (photo from website)
This fall, for the first time since the pandemic, Algonquin will be holding both morning and afternoon sessions of its inexpensive pre-school program. Registration is now open.
Last year, the Director promoted for readers:
Our affordable and high quality program is directly affected by the high school bell schedule, which is set to change in a large way for the upcoming school year. The preschool sessions run simultaneously with the Early Childhood classes offered to students at ARHS studying early childhood concepts and are considering working with children and are exploring their post-secondary options.
Not all of the details are completely available yet. Under next year’s schedule, the website explains:
The morning session of preschool will meet from 9:15-11:00 Tuesday-Friday*
The afternoon session of preschool will meet from 12:30-2:15 Tuesday-Friday*
*Due to the high school rotating bell schedule, which we are directly tied to, we will typically meet 3-4 times per week on these days. A calendar for the entire school year will be available soon once a few more things are finalized at the high school level.
For those who aren’t familiar with the preschool, the website describes the learning lab program in the high school to benefit both high schoolers and tots:
The program has been in operation since 1978 and is currently run by Susan Muise, a Family and Consumer Science Teacher with a Master’s in Early Childhood Education. The name of the preschool changed from The Tiny Tomahawk Preschool in 2021 as a result of the school mascot, the Tomahawk, being retired.
As a learning lab preschool, the high school students enrolled in Mrs. Muise’s Early Childhood Program assist in the preschool and work under her supervision in providing classroom instruction to the preschoolers. The high school students interact with the preschoolers and present many of the theme-based lessons with supervision of Mrs. Muise. It is a unique, well rounded program for both the preschool students and the high school students. Throughout the years high school and preschool students alike have been learning from one another.
Children must be at least 3 years old to attend and toilet trained. In order to reserve a spot for next year, please fill out the online registration form. We will accept students on a first come-first serve basis. Returning students always have a spot for the following school year and we do have open enrollment throughout the year, so long as we have available spots.
Tuition is $400. To register, click here. For more information, visit the website.