Candidate’s Letter: Brett Peters for Select Board

[Editor’s note: This spring, Southborough voters will be able to choose among five candidates for two seats on the Select Board. To help you make that decision, each candidate is invited to submit one letter to readers promoting their campaign. (To find other candidates’ letters click here.)

As in past years, you may use comments to endorse the candidate. No mudslinging allowed here.]

To the Editor:

Hello! I’m Brett Peters, and I’m running for one of the two upcoming Select Board seats.

I’ve lived here in Southborough for 19 years now, raised my family here, and we have been very happy to make Southborough our home.

In recent years, I’ve worked to become a bigger part of the town, tried to increase my involvement, and tried to have a more positive impact on the town we all love. From scouting, through work with SOLF (Southborough Open Land Foundation) and the Town Stewardship Committee, I’ve seen the differences that so many individuals here in town have made through their hard work and dedication, and I’d love to continue to be a part of that.

First, I’d love to focus on civility and transparency. I believe government at any level is best, and most efficient, when people can work together. That applies when we agree, but especially when we disagree! Debate and open discussions are critical to the best outcomes, and we should all be able to voice our opinions while still keeping a cooperative attitude of respect. In addition, I hope to be open and transparent with all work that I’m involved with. We can’t all be good citizens and make our voices and votes count, unless we have all the information we need to form our own opinions!

Second, some of my favorite places in Southborough are our green spaces, our open land, our natural preserves. These are a tremendous asset to all of us, and one of the things that gives our town the great character and feel it has today. We need to be stewards of this town and the natural land here not only for ourselves, but for every generation that comes after us. I will work hard to preserve what we have, to enhance these spaces, and even expand them when the opportunity arises.

Additionally, as with any town, we can’t ignore progress and development. Of primary importance is keeping that focus to the areas that make sense, in our commercial corridors, enhancing and adding to our commercial base and our tax base, but in a sensible way. We can continue to improve and grow, with an eye for preservation, allowing us to look towards the future, while preserving what keeps us so great.

But with all that – please let me know what you think! I am not here to make Southborough into what I want it to be, I’m here to help make it the town that WE want it to be. I need your input and your thoughts for that. Please reach out, let me know what you think, what is important to you!

Thank you!

Brett Peters, Select Board Candidate
53 Southville Road

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