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(photo by Susan Fitzgerald)
With our election on the horizon, not only do I wish all candidates good luck, but I hope the winners in the selectmen’s race plan to take a hard look at our town. There are committees that haven’t made final reports in a couple of years, and the Public Works Planning Board is a disaster. They only meet at the will of the chair, and he sure doesn’t like to hold meetings. Let’s clean things up!
You are so right!. The Public Works Planning Board has indeed been an embarrassment. It has done no planning to speak of, when planning has been sorely needed. In addition it has met only rarely (like once a year) and even then it has failed to produce the required minutes in a timely manner — which is a blatant violation of State law..
If the Chairperson does not want to meet, (for any reason whatsoever), then that one person can hold the entire Committee hostage. If the blocking Chairperson does not voluntarily retire, then a new mechanism may need to be created to replace that person, because the role of the Chairperson is extremely important — in setting a progressive agenda and a regular schedule..
May I suggest the process of renewal begin with the client — who is the newly appointed DPW Superintendent. The new Super must be allowed adequate time to settle into the new job, before being asked for their opinion.
I could be wrong but I can’t remember anything of significance that the Public Works Planning Board has done in the 27 years I have lived here. We seem to have survived without it’s input.
Major Public works requiring funding are already vetted by Advisory, Capital Budget, and the Select Board at a minimum. Other public works are still overseen by the Select Board and other boards. Instead of adding another layer of bureaucracy to our decision making process we should think in terms of simplifying our processes by eliminating what appears to be a “zero value add process”. The first question we ask is should be, “Do we need a Public Works Planning Board at all?”
Remember, this Saturday (4/22) is the annual Earth Day clean up. Come to the DPW building between 8:30 and 11:30 and sign up for a road or area in town you can help clean up by collecting trash. You bag it and the DPW will come pick up the bag. This is the 31st time the DPW and Rotary Club have sponsored this effort. Afterwards join us in front of the library for pizza and ice cream at noontime as your reward.
I wanted to take this opportunity to profusely thank Lisa and Chelsea for their time and commitment to Select Board. It is a largely thankless job and although one does not always agree with decisions that are made, I sincerely believe they, and all Select Board members, make what they think are thoughtful decisions with the welfare of the town as a whole taken into consideration. They have served this town well and I know have spent countless hours researching and obtaining information for insight to make the decisions that have had to be made.
Some of the comments and criticisms made of our elected officials are out of line and not fair to them…or to us. There is nothing personal to be gained by running and serving on a board in our town. No one is going to get rich or famous for doing these jobs. I think we should give all of them the benefit of the doubt and if you do not agree with a decision, make that clear in respectful dialog in the appropriate time and place. Even better, become part of the solution instead of the problem before the decisions are made!
I know that Lisa and Chelsea will bring the same thoughtful and careful consideration of the issues to the Planning Board and Southborough School Committee and for that, they have my vote!