Seeking late/overnight volunteers for Saturday’s Post Prom Party

Previously, I shared the Algonquin Parent Teacher Organization’s fundraising efforts to keep students safe after prom. While the APTO would still love donations, the real push right now is enough chaperones and volunteers this weekend.

They are reaching out to parents of underclassmen, but also alumni and other adult friends and family.

The ARHS Junior Post Prom Party kicks off at midnight this Saturday, May 13 with students locked in until 5:00 am on Sunday. The APTO is seeking parents who don’t have juniors as students to volunteer as chaperones. (Students are more likely to attend, and therefore more likely to be safe that night, if their own parents won’t be there!)

There are also volunteers needed for other activities leading up to the event that night. (Those positions can be taken by parents of juniors.)

Most of the volunteer positions require a current CORI on file. (Though, if yours is outdated, you may be able to quickly get one this week if you act soon. You can file at the school or the superintendent’s office.)

Post Prom Parties are overnight extravaganzas jam packed with “can’t miss” entertainment. This year’s party  is promoted as including:

  • DJ-Music
  • Remote Contol Car Racing
  • Mechanical Bull Riding
  • Free Arcade Games
  • Hypnotist
  • Caricaturists
  • Hippo Chow Down Competition
  • Photo Souvenirs
  • Food and Drinks
  • Air Brush Tattoos
  • Ice Skating
To sign up, click here.

Here is the APTO’s call for help from their website:

The APTO has been hard at work planning and organizing the Post Prom Party, which is happening this weekend, for our entire junior class. Huge thanks to those who have already donated and stepped up to help the cause. However, at this point we have not met the financial goal. Please donate here.

We are also in real need of volunteers for the JPPP night (5/13 – 5/14). If you can volunteer your time at all, please help make this night a memorable one for our children.

In order for us to keep our students safe all night, we need seven more adults to chaperone the event (midnight – 5:00 a.m.). Since our junior students are not excited to see their own parents at the party, we heavily depend on freshman and sophomore parents to chaperone the night; it’s a chance to witness the event your student will be experiencing in a year or two: you’d be paying forward volunteerism!

Also, to get the students from the school to NESC (where the party is) safely and on time, we are in need of 14 more volunteers to help with the check-in process at ARHS from 11:30 p.m. to 12:45 a.m.

Not just parents and guardians can volunteer; we encourage ARHS graduates who are in college or are recent college graduates to get involved. We’ve recently had young ARHS alumni chaperone the JPPP – they really enjoyed the experience of helping out and seeing their younger siblings and kids they knew when they were younger having fun at the event!

Please spread the word to family, friends, and ARHS alumni. Without you, it is almost impossible to give this most-anticipated high school experience to our current juniors! Sign up to check in and chaperone today!

To donate to support the event, click here. You can find more JPPP details here. To learn more about the APTO, click here.

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