Above: The track teams’ annual camp for kids won’t take place at Algonquin as it did in past years. (photo from website)
Each year, the Algonquin Outdoor Track team holds a Track & Field Camp”. This June, with the big GonkPlex renovation about to begin at the high school, the camp will be hosted at Southborough’s outdoor track.
In another change, the camp will be only allow kids currently in grades 3-8. Registration will be limited to the first 100 campers signed up.
The camp will take place at Trottier Middle School (49 Parkerville Road).
As with most years, the camp will be held in the evenings overlapping the last scheduled week of NSBORO school.* The program will run from 5:00 – 8:00 pm, Monday, June 19th – Friday the 23rd. (Campers are asked to arrive by 4:45 pm.)
The coach and student run camp is an ARHS Track team fundraiser. This year, the fee is $150 per child (with discounts for siblings and a $420 family max).
The deadline for registration is June 13th.
Based on past years’ flyers, here’s what to expect:
Campers, split by grades, take part in throwing, jumping, running and hurdling activities. On the final evening, they’ll compete in a track meet with an awards ceremony and demonstration by high school athletes.
Although the camp will be held in town, nearby students won’t be able to walk home afterwards. (Adults must pick them up on the track.)
For more details and to sign up, click here.
For a reminder of other camps this summer, click here.
*No school will be held that Monday, June 19th due to the state holiday (Juneteenth). Barring an unexpected cancellation, Thursday, June 22nd will be the final day of NSBORO schools (with an early release).