Above: Last year, NSBORO community members workshopped their personal stories before sharing them on stage. The district is issuing an invitation for a second opportunity. (images from flyers*)
The Northborough-Southborough Public Schools are seeking community members interested in participating in their second “Story Bridge”. Ten applicants will be selected to participate in workshops to prepare them to tell stories from their own lives on stage this fall.
Eligible participants include NSBORO students (ages 14+), parents, staff, faculty, and administrators.
Following up on last year’s successful effort, Southborough’s Jennifer De Leon and Adam Stumacher will again lead the initiative.
The authors and parents will guide participants in identifying compelling stories from their lives, writing and shaping them, and practicing telling them aloud.
Applications are due by June 15th. Participants will work on their stories over the summer, with three meetings (in person or over zoom) between now and September. An in-person rehearsal will be held in early October with the Showcase planned for later that month.
For more details, click here. To apply, click here.
*(The flyer credits the top right photo to Chelsea Bradway