Open discussion thread

Ask questions and share opinions

It’s time for another open thread.

What’s on your mind this week, Southborough?

For those of you new to the blog, the open discussion thread is your place to ask questions, sound off on town issues, or share information with other readers. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

  • Ask questions about programs in town or the town itself
  • Post a note about things that you’re selling or giving away, or things that you want
  • Share notices about upcoming events (Southborough or otherwise)
  • Register your thoughts on town issues or news stories
  • Point out interesting or helpful resources

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(photo by Susan Fitzgerald)

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Al Hamilton
1 year ago

The Select Board is engaged in its annual assessment of transfer station fees. The current fee is $260 + $10 per extra vehicle (up to 3) with no charge for seniors. These fees do not fully cover the costs of operation with to the tune of $100k to $200k. I would be interested in hearing from the community on the following:

  1. I currently pay $660/ year for private curbside haulage. If the standard rate was raised would that encourage you to move from the transfer station to private haulage? What do others pay for private haulage.
  2. Seniors currently get their stickers for free. If the board raised the fee for seniors (with hardship exceptions) would you not use the transfer station if the senior rate was $50? $100?
  3. The transfer station currently runs at a loss. Should it be self funding?


Jim Foley
1 year ago

I would prefer not to have an increase in the price of the transfer station sticker. Our property taxes are consistently increased to cover the cost of town services, including the school systems, senior center, playgrounds, plowing, etc. I see no reason the transfer station should be handled any differently we all pay for services we don’t use.Some prefer private trash pickup and that’s their choice. I think it would be sad to see that drastically increase in Southborough with the added problems that come with it. Trash trucks clogging traffic, trash barrels knocked over into our streets , stinky fluids leaking from the trucks. My business was located in Marlborough for more than 30 years and I witnessed many problems I’d rather not see here in Southborough.

Eric Tapper
1 year ago

I find that approaching the traffic lights @ Rt 85 and Richards Road can be difficult for drivers not familiar with the area. Driving south on Rt 85 approaching the intersection, the tree branches and leaves obstruct the lights until you are 200-300 feet away from them. The same goes for driving on Richards Road approaching Rt 85 – the lights are also blocked by the overhead trees.
Has there been any discussion about trimming back the branches that specifically obstruct the traffic lights? Has anyone have the same opinion?

Andre Fortin
1 year ago

I’m a senior and would hate to see more private haulage used in Southborough. I think that giving seniors free stickers was a nice gesture on the Town’s part, but if non-senior sticker prices are now raised further to address the solvency issue of the Transfer Station, then the time has come for seniors who can afford it to also pitch in and minimize the differential between non-senior and senior residents who are supportive of the Transfer Station.
I think that a $50. fee + $10. for each additional vehicle for seniors is a very reasonable proposal and I would support such a fee. I think the TS needs to be supported in all ways feasible. I don’t think it should be self-funded.

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