Above: The Community Advocate recently posted news about St. Anne’s multimillion building project. (Photo by Beth Melo)
St. Anne’s Parish is moving ahead with a project to expand the church. According to the Community Advocate, the church recently interviewed architects and contractors and is planning to proceed with a physical expansion of the church.
In 2018, I wrote about a land deal between the Catholic Diocese and the owner of a property abutting the church.* The church sold a sliver of its frontage on Boston Road and received a 0.652 acre parcel of land behind the parish hall. The benefit cited for the church was an increased buffer to allow for a future expansion project.
According to the Community Advocate’s June 25th article, the church is now moving ahead with the multimillion dollar project:
there is an ongoing project to expand the campus to include a chapel, classrooms, more meeting space, a connector between the church and parish hall and an outdoor activity space for sports like pickleball and gardening. . .
updates include providing larger classroom spaces for education and adding bathroom facilities in the church so parishioners do not have to leave and go to the parish hall to use the bathroom.
Below is a rendering of the plans posted by the church to YouTube last year:
Apparently, in addition to funds, church members have also made in kind contributions. You can read more in the CA’s story which includes an interview with a member of the church’s Building Committee.
For more on the church’s Capital Campaign, click here.
*Details around the land deal and communications between the Historical Commission and the church blew up into a bit of a controversy later that year. But that’s a different matter.