Library is seeking public input on its building

Before Trustees further pursue state assistance with a potential building project, they need community feedback on the current structure and services and what changes the public would support.

Above: The Library is using both a survey and public forums to collect community feedback on its building and “the services, amenities, and space” it provides. (images from survey website and Library flyer)

Last week, I wrote about the multiple building projects Town officials are exploring, including potentially renovating/reconstructing the Southborough Library. I noted that the Library would soon be issuing a survey and holding public forums to solicit feedback. 

The survey is now up and the first forum is scheduled for the end of this month.


The brief survey shows that the Library is looking for input on the building and space needs.

In less than 10 questions, it asks takers if the Library has sufficient space for materials and services, whether they would consider relocating it, what they would like to see any additional space used for, and whether they would support moving any of its functions to a secondary location.

That last topic relates to overlapping work by the Community Center Exploration Committee. (Scroll down for more on the context of the Trustees’ and the CCEC’s work.)

You can participate in the survey here. (There are less than 10 questions and it should be quick to complete.)

Open Forums

If you’d rather provide more in-depth feedback, or would like to ask questions before answering questions, there are also public forums you can save the date for.

Library Building Open Forum 8-31-2023 flyerOn Thursday, August 31st, the Library will host its first Open Forum to solicit feedback on the topic. That will take place in the main floor stacks area at 7:00 pm.

The event will be moderated by resident Elizabeth Zulick. No registration is required.

A second event is planned for Wednesday, September 27th at 7:00 pm. That one will be moderated by Mary Tinti.


The Library Trustees are taking steps towards potentially applying for grant funds from the state next spring.

Seeking public input is a critical component for submitting an application to the Mass Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC).

As part of their review process, MBLC evaluates how well projects align with a library’s strategic plan and/or municipal capital plan “and has involved the efforts of and input from library staff, library trustees, library users, municipal staff, elected officials, and other community representatives”.

Plus, in order to apply, the Trustees would first need Annual Town Meeting voters’ approval. Gauging what the community wants and would/wouldn’t support funding of is important before putting together any proposal.

Meanwhile, the CCEC is looking at the potential use of Finn School or a different site for a future multi-use municipal building. The concept is to find the least expensive way of dealing with space constraints for the Library, Senior Center, and Town offices. 

You can read additional details on the overlapping efforts, including a project to potentially consolidate Southborough schools, in my August 9th post here.

Updated (8/17/23 1:31 pm): One detail I forgot to include under context. . .

In looking at information from the MBLC on Library Space Planning, it was interesting to see that as of 2018, Southborough’s square footage per population served appears to have been at or below the 25% percentile for the state. That’s based on my reading of their graph (pp 116-119) showing data from 450 libraries in the state (369 public libraries plus branches).

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