Above: The public is invited to be inspired by personal stories told onstage by NSBORO community members. (images from flyers)
For the second year, the Northborough-Southborough Public Schools are inviting the public to a “Story Bridge Showcase”. At the “Night of Stories” ten community members will hit Algonquin’s small theater stage to share personal stories.
Earlier this year, the NSBORO administration invited students (ages 14+), parents, staff, faculty, and administrators to apply for the opportunity. Ten participants were selected.
Since then, participants took part in workshops led by Southborough authors Jennifer De Leon and Adam Stumacherto.
The initiative is sponsored by the NSBORO Coalition for Equity. The flyer invites:
You’re invited to an inspiring night of personal, heartfelt storytelling by your NSBORO neighbors
The showcase is scheduled for Thursday, October 19th at 6:00 pm at Algonquin Regional High School’s Black Box Theater, 79 Bartlett St, Northborough.
Attendees are encouraged to RSVP here.
Storytellers listed for this fall’s event are:
- Liah Rut Biran
- Lisa D’Souza
- Joelle Gilmore
- Sofia Elin Ginsburg
- Jennifer Lipton
- Safdar Medina
- Tafari O’Meall
- Jolison Verghese
- Manasi Whaghmare
- Alegna Zavatti