Above: The Friends are happy to take (and hopefully sell) your old fiction and non-fiction books for kids through adults. (photo by Beth Melo)
With the annual Heritage Day Book Sale coming up soon, you’re going to want to make room on your book shelves. And what better way than by donating your old books?
The Friends of the Southborough Library* is seeking donations of books (or DVDs & CDs) in good condition.
We are happy to accept hard covers and paperbacks for all ages, in all genres and topics (except dictionaries and encyclopedias).
As detailed in the Library’s flyer right, donations can be dropped off inside the Library during regular hours.
The drop-off spot is under the “Free Books” table near the downstairs entrance. Please inform a staff member after you drop-off.
To allow volunteers time to sort books, the sooner you can donate the better.
Be sure to save the date for our Book & Bake Sale on Monday, October 9th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. (And if you want to donate some treats for the Bake Sale, you can drop those off beginning at 9:00 am that day.
*[Full Disclosure: I’m the President of The Friends of the Southborough Library. If you want to learn more about the Friends, or supporting our work or getting involved, click here.]