CA: Southborough vigil calls for end to hostilities in Gaza strip

On Sunday, Neighbors for Peace held a community Candlelight Vigil. As I previously promoted, the focus was on the situation in Israel and the Gaza strip. The public was invited to join them to:

remember those whose lives have been lost, for those caught in the violence, and for the end of this and other conflicts as we continue to believe in the power of peace to change our world for the better.

I wasn’t able to make it. Fortunately, someone from the Community Advocate did.

The article described:

As evening enveloped the fields at St. Mark’s School on Sunday, Oct. 22, more than 50 people gathered for a candlelight vigil praying for peace in Gaza and Israel. . . 

Vigil-goers wanted to affirm not only their desire for an end to hostilities, but their hopes for peace and unity in the face of growing discrimination against Jews and Muslims.

The vigil featured representatives from several faiths – Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Sikh. Each presented prayers or a few words about the current conflict in the Mideast.

You can read the full story and see photo highlights here.

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