More Truck v Bridge incidents

Two tractor trailers got jammed under the MBTA crossing twice in the past few days.

Above: A truck hit the River Street bridge again, and again. (photos contributed by John Kendall)

As if the MBTA doesn’t have enough problems. . .

10/27/23 accident at River Street - photo contributed by John KendallOn Friday, another tractor trailer tried to pass through the low commuter rail crossing over River Street. The truck labeled 12’6″ high got jammed under the bridge that signs warn has just 11 feet clearance.

10/29/23 accident at River Street - photo contributed by John KendallOn Sunday, a different truck (this one labeled as 13’1″ tall) made the same mistake.

The practically, double header accidents are just the latest.

As I posted in August, area resident John Kendall (who shared the pics) has been raising public awareness of the issue for well over a decade. Each time, the MBTA is  notified so engineers they can verify the crossing as still safe for the train to use.

In Kendall’s message to me today, he again advocated for more visible signage. But as I pointed out in August, it appears that Westborough’s bigger signage hasn’t stopped daydreaming truckers from hitting the crossing over route 30. At some point, a truck appears to have actually knocked down half of one sign.

Below are images from Google Maps of Southborough’s bridge and Westborough’s.

Southborough's River Street Bridge - southbound River Street Bridge northbound Railroad bridge over East Main St Westborough - westbound Railroad bridge over East Main St Westborough - eastbound

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