Above: Save the date and buy tickets for the next AVM concert. (images from Facebook)
The Assabet Valley Mastersingers will perform their fall concert in Southborough’s Pilgrim Congregational Church in a few weeks.
The concert theme is “A Choral Tapestry”. An announcement describes “a stunning program which celebrates the rich tapestry of choral music from various eras and traditions”.
Here’s more detail from the press release:
a rich array of choral treasures and short masterpieces from both the European and American traditions.
“A Choral Tapestry” embraces the timeless elegance of classical compositions alongside captivating contemporary works, featuring standards and favorite works by Bach, Mozart, Biebl, Brahms, Bruckner, as well as Spirituals and contemporary choral treasures by Lauridsen, Whitacre, Forrest, Hagenberg and Runestad.
The Assabet Valley Mastersingers, under the expert guidance of seasoned conductor Dr. Robert Eaton, will weave together a musical narrative that resonates with the soul and ignites the spirit of all in attendance.
The concert will take place on Sunday, November 12th from 3:30 – 5:30 pm. To purchase tickets, click here.