Above: The Town’s Trunk or Treat made for some creative and unusual sights. (images L-R from Facebook and by Beth Melo)
Happy Halloween Southborough!
As you prepare for spooky creatures and pretty princesses to start ringing the doorbell tonight, I’m sharing some highlights from the Town’s big Trunk or Treat party on Saturday.
It was a gorgeous, warm sunny day. (Which may have felt a bit too warm inside some of the costumes.)
[Note: Some of the below pics are mine, some are from social media/contributed. For photo details (and credits), click on thumbnails.]
The crowd marched to Southborough Fire Association’s party at the Fire Station with a costume contest. As usual, some families came up with some great themes.
Afterwards, they returned to the Woodward parking lot to trick or treat at elaborately decorated vehicle trunks.
Southborough Youth & Family Services embraced Barbie mania – with a display that allowed people to pose as a doll in a Barbie Box.
Skyrise Theater went further than decorating just a trunk. They invited kids in through the rear of a school bus decorated as a walk through “Hogwarts” (the scene of Harry Potter stories.)
Updated (10/31/23 9:13 am): I corrected the caption for the fourth photo to refer to the “Rys family” (only Mary’s last name is Tinti).