Above: At Southborough Gardner’s annual event, guests watch a live expert demonstration, enjoy refreshments, shop at the “Holiday Boutique” table, and take part in the raffle for arrangements contributed by members. (2022 event photos from their photo gallery)
The Southborough Gardeners’ annual November Guest Day is coming up in less than a week. As always, the event features an expert demonstrating floral arranging techniques in time for the holidays.
This year’s event is titled, ““Floral Techniques from Europe and Asia”. It will take place on the morning of Thursday, November 9th at Pilgrim Church’s Fellowship Hall (15 Common St).
The public is encouraged to purchase tickets to join them. Admission is $15.
Attendees will enjoy refreshments while watching visiting expert Lisa Oberholzer-Gee demonstrate “floral design techniques from around the world using unusual floral elements and containers.”
If that sounds familiar, it’s the same visitor they promoted last year. Unfortunately, the presentation was cancelled due to a family emergency.*
Since I orginally posted about the event, I found Oberholzer-Gee’s website. Under testimonials, there are rave reviews from the gardener clubs of Plymouth, Kingtson, Duxbury, Lincoln, and Walloston (Quincy). You can learn more about her here.
As usual, the Gardeners will raffle off prizes that morning, including floral designs from the presentation. And, at the event you can sign up for their upcoming Holiday Greens Workshop. (That’s on Tuesday, December 19th at 10:00 am in St. Mark’s Church’s Stevens Hall.)
For more details or to purchase tickets, click here.
*Last year’s event wasn’t cancelled because Nicki Pinkckney of Southborough’s Pepper and Fern Floral Design was able to step in. The Gardeners shared photos from her presentation. (Right and at top of the post.)
Updated (11/3/23 5:33 pm): I inserted a photo of the special presenter.