Trailblazers’ educational hike on the Peninsula Trail

Above: DCR Ranger Leahy explaining the construction of the Sudbury Reservoir to a group of Trailblazers. (image edited from contributed photo)

[This post is special guest contribution by the Trailblazers, an active group of seniors organized by the Southborough Senior Center*.] 

On a brisk, but sunny November morning, 34 members of the Southborough Senior Center Trailblazers group enjoyed a hike of the Peninsula Trail led by DCR Watershed Ranger LT. Andy Leahy. LT Leahy gave an overview of the building of the Sudbury Reservoir, and led the group along an old road that led to Rice’s Mill, which was destroyed when the Sudbury Reservoir was built in the late 1890s. 

The Peninsula Trail is part of the Boroughs Loop Trail, a 33-mile regional trail network connecting Marlborough, Southborough, Westborough, and Northborough. The Boroughs Loop Trail, as well as several other trails in Southborough, are maintained by the Southborough Trails Committee, comprised of 5 volunteer members with Kathryn McKee, chair of the Committee. The Committee maintains a Facebook page which lists a variety of activities the Trails Committee has sponsored.

Hal Kiess
Southborough Senior Center Trailblazers Member

*If you would like to learn more about the Trailblazers, or join them for future outings, drop into their monthly meetings at the Senior Center. They take place at 3:00 pm on the first Wednesday of each month. (The next meeting is December 6, 2023.)

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