Above: The Southborough Food Pantry is seeking donations to help their members in need. (contributed photo)
The Southborough Food Pantry asked me to make readers aware of their updated need for donations.
Pantry organizers are seeking donations specifically listed on their current needs list* – or financial support to allow them to do the appropriate shopping.
Below is the list of items they are currently* looking to stock. As of Friday afternoon, they were completely out of some of the items:
Jello Gelatin
Club Crackers
Graham Crackers
Vanilla Finger Cookies
Oatmeal Cookies
Cheez-It Crackers
Instant Coffee
Cream Of wheat
Life Cereal
Qt Ziplock Bags
Canola Oil
Miracle Whip
Ritz Crackers
Pancake Syrup
Dill Pickles
Corned Beef Hash
BBQ Sauce
Beef Stew
Sensitive Laundry Detergent
Vegetable Oil
Cranberry Juice
Crackers with Peanut Butter Snack Packages
Please remember to check the expiration dates before you donate. (Also, note that while it’s fine to donate multi-packs, please don’t donate jumbo/commercial-sized items, like giant jars.)
The food donations can be dropped off in the storage bins at the back entrance of Pilgrim Church, 15 Common Street.
Gift cards, cash or checks should be mailed to Southborough Food Pantry c/o Pilgrim Church, P.O. Box 281, Southborough, MA 01772.
You can also can donate online here.
For donations in future weeks, you can always check on the pantry’s latest needs by clicking on their ad on this blog (a larger version of the image left is located in the column right under recent comments). The ad links to their website, which includes their current needs list.
*Due to storage constraints, they ask for donors to please stick to the list of items they know they have need for.