Early Voting opens Saturday (Updated)

Voting in the Presidential Primary opens on February 24th

I almost forgot to remind readers that this Saturday, February 24th, is the first day that Southborough voters can vote in-person for the 2024 Presidential Primary.

You can find most of the details in my prior post on the topic, here. Since then, I have been able to download sample ballots for each of the three parties:

The only contests actually on the ballots are for Presidential nominees. But, I was asked to share that there is a write-in campaign to contest another position on the Republican Primary ballot.

The candidate for State Committeeman, Dave Lunger is opposing the candidate on the ballot for State Committeewoman Caroline Stewart Cunningham (formerly Caroline Alcock). The write-in campaign he is promoting is for Dorothy Bisson of Sudbury.

I couldn’t find any official campaign websites or social media for either candidate. But you can find Alcock/Cunningham on Linked-in here and Bisson on Facebook here.

Early voting will be held at the Town House on February 24th through March 1st. The hours are:

  • Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 am to noon

Election Day is Tuesday, March 5th at the Trottier Middle School Gymnasium (6:30 am – 8:00 pm.)

Updated (3/1/24 3:37 pm): Bisson asked me to replace her personal Facebook link with her page (which is actually a group).

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