Above: The previewed proposal of a 4 story building at 250 Turnpike Rd upset several abutters last year. Next month, the ZBA will begin its review of the official application. (images of building rendering and project location cropped from application materials)
This morning, the Town issued a notice that the owners of 250 Turnpike Road have filed their application for the proposed “40B” project on the site.
The application is to build a 56 unit residential building on the lot behind the commercial property on Route 9.
A page has been created on the Town website to keep residents informed. In addition to the public hearing schedule, the application, and related materials, it also includes a link “to sign up for news flashes to receive updates and notifications regarding this application.” And anyone with questions is encouraged to contact Lara Davis, Principal Assistant to the ZBA at (508) 485-0717 ext 3919 or at
Last year, when Ferris Development announced preliminary plans for the 40B, there was a public outcry from several abutters from Skylar Drive, Sarenston Way, and Parkerville Road, at meetings of the Select Board, Planning Board, and Conservation Commission. Residents argued that a residential project was disallowed on the site, that the building height would be intrusive to nearby neighborhoods, and that the project would flooding/water issues in the area.
Subsequently, the developer filed with MassHousing to revise the site plan, with the following explanation:
The primary mitigation efforts are related to lowering the perception of the building height. Particularly much stronger mitigation for the Parkerville abutters but also does include relocating some parking on the Skyler side. The new proposed plan will drastically lower the amount of fill required as well. The building will be dug into the slope down an additional 15 feet, eg. approximately 1.3 stories deeper down on the abutters sides. The revised plan also eliminated a 8 unit parking garage and the 12 foot retaining wall and instead we will provide a more robust landscape screening plan with mature arborvitae. The landscape plan will be included as part of the comprehensive permit phase.
This change does come at some level of financial cost and challenges for renting some of the 1st floor units but it is our hope that this strengthens the support from all parties.
Worth noting, there is a section on the ZBA’s page where letters from Residents commenting on the project will be posted. None are listed yet.
The ZBA’s hearing on the 40B will open on Wednesday, June 26th at 7:30 pm.